Sunday, April 10, 2011

00 Raiser Seven Sword/G 1/144 with GN Sword III

Yeah the name says it all. It actually has 11 swords to this suit. Thanks Robot4Less for my recent shopping spree. I have actually been wanting to make this version of the 00 raiser for quite sometime. If you just give in the raiser and the gn blaster and gn buster sword and two beam sabers, you kinda have a very Wing Zero looking suit. That i think is one of the highlights of the 00 kits. In fact one of the reasons i like gundam 00 so much is cause it has the same feel that gundam wing had, the idea that although its large scale war there was a sort of renegade and personal side to the story. I mean gundam seed and seed destiny are great to but are sort military vs miltary much like the UC series and wing and 00 arent like that so it was always a refreshing change. Plus the riduculousness of the suits in GUndam 00 compared to other series is very much like wing. I mean this is a mobile suit which if you equip it with everything has over 10 sowrds, and it can pretty much do anything you want. If can melee, shoot, snipe, blitzkrieg, grapple, slash, buster, wipe out you kname it it can basically do. I really hope when the MG gundam 00 comes out BANDAI or someone will make the option parts to go on it to make the 7 sword g as well. cause if you thing this kits looks cool in 1/144 it can only get better in Master Grade 1/100

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